Good morning,
After some waiting time here is the V1 of the Benz_NordWestMecklenburg map for FS22.
Many thanks to villaluthra and PHF who have contributed significantly to the new version. Thanks for that!
Arable farming: Starting point adjusted, silo capacity increased & trigger widened, sleep trigger/workshop/washing area added, grain hall roller door & light fixed, farm petrol station now with function & sellable
Dairy cattle system: Light & BaleTriggerStraw installed in the feeding alley, manure now spawns on manure plate, manure extraction at the pool behind the stable system, 3 manure silo extensions with function
Build Menu: Added trees / plants / ground textures
Added multi-terrain angles
densityMap_stones (create stones) fixed
License plate (square) adjusted
Various warnings/errors of the placeables (halls, points of sale, WKA’s etc.) fixed
Forest edges, Knicks, and Maprand optically adjusted
Total MB count decreased
Various other cosmetic adjustments
New points of sale:
Lime/fertilizer/seeds at Ceravis
Liquid fertilizer/herbicide at ATR Landhandel
separate sale of grain and root crops at Ceravis and Landhandel
Production goods at Gut Gamehl
Animal traders at NaWaRo incl. liquid manure purchase
Wood trade in Benz
Thanks to OscarZulu|Agro Pics Ost (new paving stone texture + animated liquid manure tarpaulin at dairy farm), R&V Daniel (fixed growth of summer grain in spring), Michi724 for the help with the WKA’s.
Won’t Fix:
missing field definition via field 53: belongs to field 43
Kuhhof: cowshed on the left as a decorative object, only the large stable complex on the right with a function
Fruit millet + point of sale for millet is missing – so wanted
In addition to other optimizations, the integration of the Precision Farming DLC is for the future.