FS22 Make a Profit with Horses

Farming Simulator 22 Mods

FS22 Make a Profit with Horses

Follow these guidelines if you want to be profitable with owning a horse.

Buying a paddock and a horse

You are able to find Paddocks under animal pens in the placeables menu.

  1. Horse paddock (8 horses) – 50.000€
  2. Large horse paddock (16horsers) – 95000€

When you buy a paddock just click R on the square and select your horse.

There are 8 different horses you are able to pick from.

Every horse costs 5000€ if you’re not transporting it. Otherwise the fee is 300€. However, I have another suggestion – the whole trailer is 16000€ or 1289€ if you decide to lease, but if you only buy 1 horse it becomes more expensive.

Buying a horse and transporting it

If you want to transport your horse, but you don’t have 300€ for the transport fee, just follow the guidelines:

Choose between two animal dealers:

  1. Near the barn (fields 25 and 16) on Felsbrunn
  2. Near the field 14 on Ravenport

You will need to lease or buy the trailer (you can find it under animal transport)

If you plan to get 4 or more horses, simply lease the trailer and don’t pay 300€, it’s cheaper for “one time use”

When you buy your horse, you should unload it to the exact same place as before.

You’ve Placed a Paddock, Bought a Horse. What to Do Now?

Here is where you get to know how to take care of your horse that you just bought. It needs to be cleaned, fed and you have to keep it fit!

For the food part – simply feed the horse with straw, water and some food. For example, one horse needs around 700l of straw and 350l of water. This will keep your horse strong and healthy.

In order to grow your horse and keep it even more healthy and happy, you will need 3,500l of hay and 3,500l of oats. For the oats – you can buy them in a shop or you can try and grow them yourself.

Riding and Keeping Your Horse Clean

So, finally, when you feed your horse, you need to think about its fitness. It is needed to ride your horse every day and each horse you buy has 5% of fitness.

You must see that this horse is not healthy, fit or clean at all. It is crucial that after every ride every day, you have to wash him! (daily riding: 100% on the left) Simply hold the left click on the horse and it will be cleaned. Don’t forget to check the fitness levels of your horse, you need to keep up.

Selling the Horse

After you have your horse for a bit, it should be clean, 100% fit, fed and you can think about selling it.

In order to do it, go to the same place where you bought it (animal dialog), simply double click on the right side of your horse and click confirm.

The price depends on the level of fitness. You can see that mine is at 13% and the price for it is around 6000€. In comparison, a horse that has 100% fitness is sold for something around 45000€ + . Keep in mind that the price goes up by 5000€ for every 10%, so don’t be lazy and keep your horse clean, ride it every day and feed it well.

FS22 Mods

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