Burgenlandkreis Map v1.0.0.0

Burgenlandkreis Map v1.0.0.0
Welcome to the Burgenlandkreis, a region in the south of Sachsen-Anhalt. Adjacent to the Saale/Unstrut wine region.
The map was modeled on the region with 2 real villages and 1 fictitious commercial area
67 fields incl. meadows
19 forest plots
Videocassettes as collectibles (note the toy is not for collecting)
In the villages you will find:
Farmlands Priessnitz
Kuhhof Kriependorf (cows, chickens)
Honey Fiedler (chickens, bees)
Farm Schmiedel (pigs, cows)
LPG Prießnitz (workshop, grain store)
Sheep pens outside the village
Lime mine outside of the village
Dairy Farm (Place the crap plate yourself)
BGA Priessnitz
Agriculture dealers
Productions/points of sale Prießnitz
furniture making
Construction site
Clothes of the world
Farmlands Janisroda
Farmer Peters (cows, pigs) (Place the crap plate yourself)
Shepherd Wilfried (sheep incl. fabric production)
Timbering fam. Birkholz
Pig fattening Janisroda
Productions/points of sale Janisroda
Workshop with sales point for motor oil
Restaurant “Local inn”
sugar factory
pet dealer
2 construction sites for stones and lime/cement in the pig fattening
Farmland Industrial Park
Logistic hall with mixed pallet production for supermarket
Solar park
2 building areas
Productions/points of sale commercial area
Gas station with workshop and purchase of motor oil
oil mill
grain mill
cement factory
We recommend the mods
– “MoreTrees” by KR Softwares
– “Platinum Expansion” by Giants
–“Precision Farming DLC” by Giants
Use the multiplayer map only in multiplayer and the single-player map only in single-player because otherwise there will be problems with gates, vehicles, and buildings.
Now we wish you a lot of fun discovering the map.