CHEREMSHANKA MAP Updated v1.9.0.1

CHEREMSHANKA MAP Updated v1.9.0.1
Yesterday i upload not fully version of recuired mods in this awesome map but today is great day for all i reupload working version with missed mods, i have manny messages in my vk with not correctly working map and missing textures, i rechecked and added to new mod who i missed. About project Cheremshanka: On vkontakte is not small project Prostorii Rossii and this project is ohne of best project on Russian communities, but author working long time to make great map. Today i reupload newest version map of Cheremshanka with all required mod not writed for requirements, but load directly in this map. All mods who required to correctly working writed down. If not have those mods your map not working!
I represent to you the map “Cheremshanka”. This is a completely new map made from scratch. You will again find yourself in the river valley located in the Fields. There are many purchasable objects on the map. There is a bakery, concrete goods, a quarry and a sugar mill, a sawmill and much more. Some fields can be enlarged. Now you can engage in the cultivation of fruit crops; such as grapes. Produce yogurt. In general, there will be no end of work. the fields are large and small, starting from 20 ha and ending with 403 ha, in general, the map is 8×8 16 km on the map, animal feeding was reworked with the map. not for weak PCs minimum specifications for your PC Processor: Intel Core i5-3330 or AMD FX-8320 Video card: GeForce GTX 790 or AMD Radeon R7 265 or better (min 4GB VRAM) Disk space: 1 GB.
Map Author: Nikita Vlasov
Aall recuired map mods:
Production Revamp
Cow Barn 30×18
CowShed Cheremshanka
Enhanced Loan System
Harvest Mission Fix
Open Air Garden
Pigsty Cheremshanka
All recuired mods to correctly load map textures not writed for requirements but required in map for missing textures:
Animal Pack
Bunker Silo MM
If you forgot something, don’t blame me!