Concrete Rollers Pack v1.0.0.0

Concrete Rollers Pack v1.0.0.0
Grass rollers improve the yield of your grass fields. It is an old school way of farming, but concrete rolls have a long lifetime as well as low maintenance.
Model CR 190 / 190x)
Price: 5,000 €
Daily upkeep: None
Working width: 1,90 meters
Needed power: 30 hp
Working speed: 12 km/h
Configurations: Frame extension with extra attachers for combination of multiple rollers (price 250 €)
Combination: CR 190x can be combined with two CR 190 rollers wich brings to total work width up to 5,6 meters.
Activation: Press ‘B’
Model CR 290
Price: 5,500 €
Daily upkeep: None
Working width: 2,90 meters
Needed power: 35 hp
Working speed: 12 km/h
Configurations: None
Combination: None – it is highly recommended no to combine the CR 190x with the CR 290, this will change the behavior in the field and increase the turn radius.
Activation: Press ‘B’