Dashboard Live v1.1.0.0

Dashboard Live v1.1.0.0
Dashboard Live (short: DBL) allows you to display all kinds of information in your board computers and/or dashboards in all kinds of tractors, no matter what brand.
Changelog V1.1.0.0:
added new base game functions
combine support
baler support
front loader support
wheel slip
support for FS22_combineXP
support for FS22_lockSteeringAxle
several fixes
complete command overview added
A zoom function is included for better viewing of displays:
Left shift key space bar: Short zoom
Both shift keys space bar: Permanent zoom on/off
If supported in the vehicle, the right Alt key and left/right arrow can be used to scroll through displays.
In MultiPlayer game, DBL synchronises engine temperature, fuel and air consumption from the server to the clients.
What can be displayed?
Basic game:
Status of the front and rear linkage
Status of attached implements and trailers
Fill levels
Compass heading
Display of the currently active implement
Folding state
Tipping State
Heading (N/E/S/W, N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NE or degree)
Field Number
FillLevel Weight
Realtime Clock
Status of the differential locks
Status of the all-wheel drive
Hold speed
GPS status
Actual wheel slip (if FS22_VehicleControlAddon or FS22_reaGUI is present)
Enhanced Vehicle:
Status of the differential locks
Status of the all-wheel drive
Guidance Steering
GPS status
Working width
GPS Track
Headland Management:
Field/Headland mode
All displays of the ProSeed HUD
Filling state
Chopper / Swath state
Worked hectars
Cutting height
Pipe folding state
Pipe overloading state
Tons per Hour
Engine Load
High moisture warning
Bale size
Bale counter (if Vermeer-DLC, Goeweill DLC or Ifko’s BaleCounter mod is present)
Wrapped bale counter (if Ifko’s BaleCounter is present)
Tool position
All supported mods are optional.
Important: Dashboard Live has to be build into vehicles first, to integrate functions and displays.
A rough installation guide is included and there will also be video tutorials available soon.
Further ideas or requests are welcome at GitHub: FS22_DashboardLive.