Deutz d25 v1.0.0.1

Deutz d25 v1.0.0.1
Old tractors are the best!
Small but nice, as requested, Christmas update!
Changes are:
– Front light, rear light, brake light, turn signals now all have reflection on the ground.
– Added license plate
– Automatic and manual can be selected in the shop (manual is for people with a gamepad circuit or for people who like jerky starting ^^, automatic for those who want to start gently: /)
– Driver fully animated & circuit too. (However, a few animations are omitted if you use the automatic transmission in the shop.)
– Minimal texture adjustments
The mod does not throw any known log errors.
And now have a Merry Christmas and let the Deutz crash …
This is a Deutz d25 with hydraulics for the FS22.
– Motor configuration
– tire configuration
– Front loader configuration
– Weight configuration
– bracket configuration
– Deco configuration
The mod does not throw any known log errors.
Big thanks goes to:
-Lucas Pfuscher werkstatt (registration • Instagram) like to subscribe.
And now have a lot of fun with the Deutz.