Farming Simulator 22: Precision Farming Release-Date & Features

Farming Simulator 22: Precision Farming Release-Date & Features
Get ready to make your farms more sustainable! Precision Farming will be soon available in Farming Simulator 22. On April 19th, the new version of the Precision Farming Free DLC will be made available through the official ModHub on PC and consoles.
The project, initiated by John Deere and funded by EIT Food, Europe’s leading Food Innovation Initiative, is meant to highlight sustainable technology in agriculture.
More Features
You can look forward to the following features to be added in the new version of the Precision Farming Free DLC. Each new feature was discussed between all collaborating partners in detail – and, of course, in consideration of the feedback we got from you! We will share more and detailed information about each new feature in the upcoming weeks upon release. Stay tuned!
New Precision Farming Features in FS22
- Crop Sensors
- Environmental Score
- Variable Rate Seeding/Drilling
- Variable Rate Weed Control
- Variable Rate Manure Fertilizing
- Soil Map Purchase
While the focus of the new Precision Farming Free DLC lies on completely new gameplay mechanics, we’re bringing back soil types, soil sampling, variable rate fertilization and economic analysis, too. Not only that, we’re improving on them. If you can’t (or won’t) spend the time to take soil samples all by yourself, you can now acquire soil maps from a service provider directly.
If you want to try Precision Farming with the above-mentioned set of returning features, you can by downloading it on ModHub for Farming Simulator 19. It’s available to download directly in-game on PC and consoles. Go ahead and try it while we work on expanding it for Farming Simulator 22! The introduction video for FS19 tells you more about the precision farming mechanics.
Goals and Members of the Collaboration
The EIT Food funded project aims to provide knowledge regarding sustainable farming technology. Implementing Precision Farming in the global video game phenomenon Farming Simulator is one of EITs multiple steps to increase awareness.
Various other partners from the European Union are part of the project: The University of Hohenheim (Germany), the University of Reading (Great Britain), Grupo AN (the largest cereal cooperative in Spain) and the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences cooperate to promote the technology.
Downloaded more than one million times, the first version of the Precision Farming DLC for Farming Simulator 19 proved a great success.