FARMING VILLE Map v1.0.0.0

FARMING VILLE Map v1.0.0.0
First small French map that I do.
Present productions
No obligation to buy factories to produce, just activate them and pay the production costs
Rhe crops are sold to the cooperative, otherwise in the factories for production and resale of the productions
Wool and cotton are sold but they can be left at the spinning mill to make fabrics that can be sold or
Fropped off at the tailor to make clothes that can also be sold
The wood is sold at the point of sale but it can be put at the sawmill for the boards which can be sold or
Deposited at the carpentry for furniture and also to be sold
PDA redone
Deposited on Kingmods and Stermods but not yet on the Modhub for the moment (errors with test runner)
Cows sheep hens and pigs (stalls on the farm)
2 greenhouses
Large warehouse belonging to the farm (still to be improved) for storage which will be used to sell in large quantities
Repair of equipment on the farm and at the dealer
Slightly hilly