Flat Land 4km Plus V1.2.0.0

Flat Land 4km Plus V1.2.0.0
Large fields Plus new fill types and production crude oil pump and other triggers ,Crude Oil Propane Anhydrous Dry Corn SUNCHARGE, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Fish and Sea Weed, for new feed mineral,
Changed round and square bale capacities, round and square of the same size now match each other in liters, with extra capacity added, anhydrous pallet added to be able to unload anhydrous anywhere,farm barn (FS22_Traditional_American_Barn no mod needed) with silo and trigger for grass, straw and dry grass,
Fixed: trees on gravel road, rocks now appear when plowing.
Added (no mod needed) fish factory, corn in, fish and see weed out, see weed is for iodine, mineral feed factory changes, in lime, cobalt, copper, lime out mineral feed, in iodine, cobalt, copper, out silage additive
Fert seed chem plus factory changes added in seeweed water out iodine fill speed increased for fuel, propane, anhydrous.
New Pallet Sell location for all pallets at riemers
Included Mods by parzival
Demco grain cart and side dump, Distinction supper B and Trippel Hopper,
Whoever made this map is great. But we want update. because one of the outlets seems to be hanging in the air. Secondly, there is a stone in the middle of the largest field. let them fix it.
Thank you.