Follow Me v1.0.0.0

FS22 Other

Follow Me v1.0.0.0

Singleplayer only! PC/Mac only!
Ever wanted to have some vehicles follow you around the map? With “Follow Me” you can (though not backwards driving).

– Use action ‘Initiate / Choose other’ (default: RCTRL + F) to select the vehicle to follow, and make sure it is visibly indicated on the screen.
– For selecting another vehicle to follow, if there are more in the vicinity, press the ‘Initiate / Choose other’ action again before the 3 seconds timeout.
– To stop following, press the ‘Stop AI Worker’ (default: H).
– When in a vehicle, its own distance and side-offset to a leader, can be modified using actions ‘Change distance’ (default: RCTRL + W/S) and ‘Change side offset’ (default: RCTRL + A/D).
– When being in a vehicle that has followers, use action ‘Follower, Choose other’ (default: RSHIFT + RCTRL + F) to specify what follower is selected for instructions about distance and side offset.
– Use actions ‘Follower, Distance’ (default: RSHIFT + RCTRL + W/S) and ‘Follower, Side offset’ (default: RSHIFT + RCTRL + A/D) for changing the selected follower’s distance and side offset.
– It is possible to “place a marker on the trail”, that instructs followers to ignore their side offset, or use the opposite side offset. For that use the action ‘Marker for Switch side offset’ (default: RSHIFT + RCTRL + X). Please be aware of, that the current choice of marker is only visible in the F1-menu of actions.

Known issues:
– Some vehicles have a collision-box detection that is much larger and wider than what is visible (even when folded), and therefore will not be able to work correctly with “Follow Me”. They will often state ‘near collision’ due to their invisible collision-box’s size.


What is FS25 mod use for:

Have you ever tried using Farming Simulator 25 mods? If not, it’s high time you do. This is the perfect place to find everything that you need to know! Farming Simulator 25 Mods will have a huge impact on your initial game. We are not saying that the original game is not good enough, but there is always room for improvement and extra challenge. We believe that you might want some more tools, more extensive choice of vehicles and other elements in your game. Also, the game itself provides you with different mods in order to solve disturbing bugs. Overall, FS25 / FS22 mods help to lift the experience of the game, which makes it more interesting. LS 25 / 22 mods will enable you to create your own specific and unique experience and since there are many different FS25 / FS22 mods, you can slowly introduce them into your game and make it completely your own. On the plus side, the LS 25 / 22 mods are all completely free, so don’t be afraid to try them out because you will not be charged any hidden fees. So, now you should definitely be convinced to download Farming Simulator 25 / 22 mods and begin customize your game!

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