Free Water Pumps And Tanks v1.0.0.0

Free Water Pumps And Tanks v1.0.0.0
The pumps will give water for free and the tanks will hold more storage for greenhouses and you can hide markers.
Small pump: Price = €100 / daily upkeep €5 / free water.
Medium pump: Price = €300 / daily upkeep €5 / free water.
Big pump: Price = €600 / daily upkeep €5 / free water.
Small tank: Price = €1799 / daily upkeep €5 / for greenhouse.
Medium tank: Price = €2345 / daily upkeep €5 / for greenhouse.
Big tank: Price = €4146 / daily upkeep €5 / for greenhouse.
You can remove the marker by clicking close to the pumps.