FS22 Potatoes, Beets and Cotton Guide

FS22 Potatoes, Beets and Cotton Guide
So, as you might already have heard you will be able to grow cotton in the Farming Simulator 22. We advise you to buy at least 1 ha of it if you decide to go into this business. This is because the harvester has a big capacity and the yield is usually small. You grow cotton in order to sell it, that’s the main goal.
In order to start with everything you will need any planter that you get and a field that has been prepared. However, you will need to get a specific harvester for the harvesting – CaselH Module Express 635. It can work on its own – the machine is able to collect, store and process the cotton on its own, so you will not need any semi-trailers or headers for the harvesting period.
What is more, this specific harvester is very maintenance free and rather fast. How it works is by creating a big bale of cotton and releasing it when it is full. In order to get one bale, you will need to harvest a large field of 2 ha, so as we said, there’s no point in planting small fields of cotton.
However, you will still be needing a correct trailer. You can look for them under Tools > Cotton technology. There you will be able to find two variations – one for 1 bale or 2 bales of cotton. When you begin the harvester in the trailer, simply drive back to get your bale and load it on.
Harvesting potatoes will need: specific planter for the potatoes, plow, a harvester for the potatoes and of course a semi-trailer with high capacity.
Economic value: you can use it as food for your pigs or you can sell it as a product, which would get you around 30,000$ for 1 ha.
Extra information to keep in mind:
- You must have a semi-trailer to store your yield otherwise your harvester will get overfilled very quickly.
- You can get around 70,000l from 1 ha – potatoes can really give you a lot of yield. Therefore, you need to buy equipment, especially a semi-trailer that is big.
- Don’t forget to fill your seeder with already grown potatoes and use them to plant the new ones.
- Potatoes can be stored on the ground and you can pick them up by using a belt system to load on the semi-trailer.
- Don’t forget that you cannot reuse the machinery that you buy for harvesting potatoes, it is very specific so you will only be able to use it for this specific vegetable.
In order to plant potatoes, you will need a specific planter – GL 860 Comacta or Gimme GL 420. By the way, the second model is smaller and you cannot fertilize the field when you are planting the potatoes. Also, these machines are on the slower side. For the first planting, buy a seed pallet in the shop and fill it up. For the second, you can fill it up already with the potatoes that you have harvested before and put them into the planter.
There are two ways to harvest potatoes – first one would be to use both harvesters at once (to attach them to the tractor) – ROPA Keiler 2 and Grimme SE 260. However, we think you should avoid the second model. Moreover, if you want to use it it will need a Grimme KS 75-4 – a front cover to work. The reason behind this is the width of the overlap that is wider than the harvester, so the worker avoid the potato stripes and the width that is utilized to cut the protruding parts of the potato. On the other hand, if you use the ROPA harvester, you won’t need the front cover.
The second option to harvest the potatoes is this – you have to utilize Grimme Varitron 470 Platinum Terra Trac – a self propelled combine harvester (you will find it under the Vehicles section). It is twice faster but with the same storage capacity, has twice the harvesting area and it won’t need a tractor to work. So, we would highly advise you to consider this machine if you are serious about harvesting potatoes.
Sugar beet
Harvesting sugar beets you will need: any of the platers, a plow, a semi trailer with high capacity and a harvester with a special header for the sugar beets
Economic value: you can use it as food for your pigs or you will be able to sell it. You would get approximately 30,000$ for 1ha.
Extra information to keep in mind:
- If you want you can leave the beetroots on the ground to pick them up later – the special collection head that you can find next to the beetroot harvester allows you to do that.
- You can load sugar beets by the belt system or by putting them on pallets – very similarly as you would do with potatoes.
- You can get around 110,000 from 1 ha.
- Generally, the sugar beets are cheaper to grow because the machines are less expensive and much faster to collect, but by growing potatoes you can earn more money.
So, as we said before, the sugar beets are less expensive to grow, but this also means that the profits are loewer too. However, it’s super easy to start growing them – you only have to have a prepared field and any planter of your choice.
Quite a good option for collecting the beets from the field would be a Grimme FT 300. You can attach to the front of the tractor and if you want to attach to the rear of the tractor, then buy a Grimme Rootster 604. One amazing thing about these is that they have zero drawbacks, especially if you compare them to potato harvesters. They’re reliable and fast, so they can be used very easily.
If you want to buy the self-propelled combine harvester, it will be a bit more expensive, but this is for a reason – it is a very good machine and very efficient. You can find all the great three models in the Vehicles section – Tiger 6 XL, Ropa Panther 2 and Holmer Terra Dos T4-40. The difference between them is the width of the headers and the capacity of course. In the beet growing technology, you will be able to find all the headers under Tools. Remember, every machine has a different header, but the combine harvesters are so easy to use and extremely reliable.
Holmer Terra Felis 3 and ROPA Maus 5 are two other vehicles that you will be able to find in the section of self-propelled harvesters. However, we must remind you this – these machines are not meant for harvesting beets, but only for lifting them. Beets are a very easy vegetable that you can simply store on the ground and when you need to collect them, load them up in the semi-trailer very easily. Just don’t forget that this can only be used for a couple of hectares.