IHC 946-1246 v3.2.0.0

IHC 946-1246 v3.2.0.0
Comfort 2000 Cabin Added & Animated
Doors, windows and roof
Added mirror at Perfect Cabin
Player Animated:
Legs work
Hands work (steering and shifting)
Gear lever shifted because they were not accessible
Added front loader lever
Suspension made a little harder
When using Dashboard Live, the handbrake is animated
Price: €30,400
Power: 90 – 260 hp
Tire configuration
Engine configuration
Rim color
Front loader
Front linkage
Rear PTO can be switched on and off (IC)
Rear linkage Can be raised or lowered (IC)
Tractor can be switched on via ignition key (IC)
bonnet can be opened (IC)
Top can be opened (IC)
Door can be opened (IC)