John Deere 3X50 Series v1.0.0.0

John Deere 3X50 Series v1.0.0.0
Hey there! I took the 3650 from Giants and added a 3050 and 3350, along with some decorative options.
Engine Configurations:
3050: 92 HP
3350: 100 HP
3650: 116 HP (+ Tuning variant: 150 HP)
All engine configurations come with 30 km/h and 40 km/h variants!
Design Configurations:
Main Color Selection
Tire Color Selection
(1 Sticker): Door, Window, Hood
(2 Hood): Horseshoe, Hood Statue, Front Loader Guard
(3 Cabin): Fire Extinguisher, Terminal, Warning Signs
(4 Roof): Horns, Michelin Figure, GPS
Beacon Lights: None, Left Only, Right Only, All
Tires: Michelin Terra Tires added in the “Lizard” brand.