John Deere 7810 BlackDevil & Fliegl TMK 273 V0.6

John Deere 7810 BlackDevil & Fliegl TMK 273 V0.6
Here a 7810 BlackDevil & Fliegl TMK 273 [BETA]
John Deere 7810 BlackDevil Config:
Ps: 250
Km/H: 55
Tires & Paint Color choice: Black and Standard
Tires made a little wider
Rus Effect was added
Nice stickers made next to the logo.
Fliegl TMK 273 Config:
Tires made a little wider
Paint color choice: Black and standard
Load capacity increased to 45,000 liters
I still have a lot planned ua. the real engine sound etc.
Hope you have fun with it.