Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT – TP/Construction Map V6.25.2.3

Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT – TP/Construction Map V6.25.2.3
100 fields.. 127 farmlands.. town, forests, big fields, small fields, productions, empty lots, material piles, new fruit types.
Added tobacco, millet, spelt, and triticale as harvestable crop
Improved textures for alfalfa, clover, hemp, onion, carrots, cabbage, red cabbage
Removed trees from field on Mill Rd.
Added Nitrogen requirements for multifruit
Added extensive lavender production (lavender oil, soap, candles, blossoms, bouquets, potpourri)
Cleared some warnings
Increased land
Added vehicles in shop +extras
Now all fruit are harvestable with respective equipment (some textures WIP)
Added entry ways and road through levy forest area
Added object storage sheds to 6 farmlands
More visual details
Completed fillType icon additions
Added Norm’s Firewood
Added “backyard mechanic” and Benny’s as sellpoints
Fixed car parts pallet