Lizard AT-01 v1.0.0.0

Lizard AT-01 v1.0.0.0
This small autoload trailer can only load 0.45 x 0.35 x 0.8 and 1.2m HD bales.
Also you can use it as a typical tipper and load your grains too.
– Capacity: 4000l
– Square bales 120 capacity: 335
– Square bales 80 capacity: 410
– Body color configurations
– Design color configurations
– Wheels configurations
– Rim color configurations
– Tension belts
Price: 1000$
You dont mention if if needs any other mods to function.
I tried this mod and it wont autoload bales in either “Workmode : ON” or “Workmode : Off ”
Also…..running multiple trailers if you press the button to switch mode… it gets stuck in loading mode and restricts your tractor to 13km/h even if you turn the mode off on all trailers……