Material Production Facilities V1.0.0.0

FS22 Other

Material Production Facilities V1.0.0.0

You have an opportunity of a lifetime! A childhood friend is now a top executive at a very profitable stone and ore processing organization. He mentions to you that he feels you would be a great choice for partnership. The task at hand is to build your franchise to peak profit. Your franchise contract comes with frequent and constant delivery of stone blocks to your corporate office, for processing. You also have the option to accumulate funds by delivering stones directly to customers.

Stone Delivery Hub

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 5 000 $
Input: Air
Outputs: Iron Ore Stone + Lithium Stone + Limestone + Coal + Gold Stone + Concrete Block

Debris Crusher

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 19 000 $
Input: Stones + Diesel
Outputs: Gravel + Pay Dirt + Sand + Stone Powder
Input: Iron Ore Stone + Diesel
Outputs: Gravel + Pay Dirt + Iron Ore + Stone Powder
Input: Lithium Stone + Diesel
Outputs: Gravel + Pay Dirt + Lithium Ore + Stone Powder
Input: Limestone + Diesel
Outputs: Gravel + Pay Dirt + Stone Powder
Input: Gold Stone + Diesel
Outputs: Gravel + Pay Dirt + Stone Powder
Input: Concrete Block + Diesel
Outputs: Gravel + Stone Powder

Material Production

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 60 000 $
Input: Dirt + Diesel
Outputs: Sand + Clay + Pay Dirt
Input: Gravel + Lithium Ore + Iron Ore + Diesel
Output: Peastone
Input: Tar + Stone Powder + Sand + Lime
Output: Asphalt
Input: Water + Cement + Sand + Diesel + Gravel
Output: Concrete

Grinding Facility

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 105 000 $
Input: Stone Powder + Diesel + Material Additive + Water
Outputs: Cement
Input: Stone Powder + Diesel + Air
Outputs: Lime
Input: Gold Slurry + Diesel + Air
Outputs: Gold Dust + Rose Gold Dust + Silver Dust + Copper Dust + Platinum Dust + Slurry
Input: Iron Ore
Outputs: Fine Ore

Tar Pit

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 25 000 $
Input: Coal
Outputs: Tar + Sand

Tar Upgrader

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 5 000 $
Input: Tar
Outputs: Crude Oil + Diesel + Jet Fuel

Fine Ore Bin

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 15 000 $
Input: Pay Dirt
Output: Fine Ore

Leech Tank

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 5 000 $
Input: Fine Ore
Output: Gold Slurry

Slurry Converter

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 25 000 $
Input: Slurry
Output: Liquid Manure

Metal Refinery

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 80 000 $
Input: Gold Dust + Material Additive + Diesel
Outputs: Refined Gold
Input: Rose Gold Dust + Material Additive + Diesel
Outputs: Refined Rose Gold
Input: Silver Dust + Material Additive + Diesel
Outputs: Refined Silver
Input: Platinum Dust + Material Additive + Diesel
Outputs: Refined Platinum
Input: Copper Dust + Material Additive + Diesel
Outputs: Refined Copper
Input: Fine Ore + Material Additive + Diesel
Outputs: Refined Iron

Jewelry Store

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 105 000 $
Input: Refined Gold + Refined Silver + Refined Copper + Refined Platinum + Refined Rose Gold
Output: Jewelry

Beam Factory

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 55 000 $
Input: Concrete + Diesel + Material Additive
Output: Concrete Beams
Input: Iron + Diesel + Material Additive
Output: Iron Beams

MKS32 – Tar Transport

Vehicle Category: Trailers
Price: 38 000 $
Holds: Tar + Diesel + Gold Slurry + Slurry + Jet Fuel + Crude Oil

Material Additive

Shop Category: Pallets
Price: 2 990 $

Material Buying Station

Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 2 500 $
Outputs Available: Stone, Lithium Ore, Iron Ore, Dirt, Stone Powder, Gravel

Jewelry Sellpoint

Placeable Category: Production Sellpoints
Price: 1 $
Able to Sell: Jewelry + Garden Stones + Peastone + Asphalt + Concrete + Crude Oil + Jet Fuel + Diesel + Slurry + Gold + Rose Gold + Silver + Platinum + Copper + Iron

Contract Delivery Sellpoint

Placeable Category: Production Sellpoints
Price: 1 $
Able to Sell: Lithium Stones, Iron Ore Stones, Concrete Blocks, Limestone, Gold Stones, Iron Beam, Concrete Beam, Coal


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