Mercedes Benz Sprinter 4×4 Gen 3 Enedis v2.1.0.0

Mercedes Benz Sprinter 4×4 Gen 3 Enedis v2.1.0.0
Added functional ladder doors
Added customize IC button
Optimized file size
Fixed remaining errors
Triflash fix
Today I share with you the update of the Sprinter. A big thank you to all for your feedback which allowed me to improve this Sprinter. I have tried to implement your various suggestions, I hope you will like this V2 😉
HP: 190 hp
Max: 87 km/h
Tank: 120 L
Weight: 3t3 (IRL 3t5 empty)
IC on all doors and +
IC for Triflash (functional triflash)(Can be activated independently of the beacons)
Functional led bars!
Functional ladder doors!
Several different configurations in the shop!
I hope you like this little mod! If this is the case it is possible that I come out of other vehicles of this type!
Good game everyone !