Mercedes Benz trac 1000-1100 v1.2.0.0

Mercedes Benz trac 1000-1100 v1.2.0.0
I present you my mb trac for download as a 700 subscription special on instagram with the rear platform have fun with the mod support is only on instagram Ls_pic_by_julian or on discord.
Version 1.2.0
Here I present you with johndeerewerker latest version of the MB Trac to the dl.
Error correction
Lights reset
Rul written as kofig
Feel free to write suggestions for improvement in the comments
ls is awesome #0042 done
I present you my mb trac for download as a 700 subscription special on instagram with the rear platform
Have fun with the mod
Support is only made on instagram Ls_pic_by_julian or on discord ls ist geil#0042.