MTZ Pack v1.0.0.3

MTZ Pack v1.0.0.3
MTZ Pak FS 22 The package includes:
MTZ-80/82 / Beam bridge
stacker MTZ-82 MES 200
MTZ-80/82 EO-2621
MTZ -80/82 PAF-1BM
MTZ-80x -SPS-4.2
beet/potato loader-cleaner
beet/potato harvester HMP-1.8
cotton harvester 2PTS-6
cotton BM-6B
haulm harvester
PKU Barnaul 0.8
PKU Barnaul 0.8 with boom extension
Grab Pitchfork Dozer blade
Dozer blade for snow
PS-0.8 Stogomet
PS-0.8 rake
SNU rake 550 trailed
SNU-550-12 rake
Universal bucket 0.8 cubic meters
Universal bucket 1 cubic meters
Universal bucket 1.2 cubic meters
MTZ triangle
Choice of 4 engines
The choice of tires
The choice of the main color, design, gratings, cylinder, harvester, blade, body kit, cargo, hatch, cab
Choice of decals, extra light, fenders, shields, numbers, cargo, mud flaps, heaters, blades, window protection, flags, extra. barrels, front hitch
Other configurations
Support for Simple IC script
Support for moreConfiguration script Version:
Added MTZ-80UK / 82UK Beam Bridge
Added MTZ-80/80UK Sprayers
Added MTZ-82 Narew (Polish version)
Rust shader removed (mod will no longer be white)
Minor fixes and improvements Version:
Added MTZ-82P/82UKP
Added MTZ-82UK MES -200
Added MTZ-80UK
Added MTZ-80UK/82UK EO-2621
Added MTZ-80UK/82UK PAF-1BM
Added MTZ-80UKX
Added MTZ-80/82 Export
added MTZ-80UK SPS-4.2
beet/potato loader-cleaner
Added MTZ-80UK RKS-2.6
beet/potato harvester
Added MTZ-80UK/82UK Stogomet SNU-550
Added MTZ-80/82 Stogomet SNU-550
Added MTZ-82 BX100
Added MTZ-80MK/82MK
Added 4 engine sounds
Added launcher
Added 4 front weights
Added interior color selection
Added a combination of vehicles
Added the brand of Chervona Zirka
Added Rake PF-0.5
Added PPU-0.5 Pallet forks
Added PPU-0.5 Big Bag
Added PPU-0.5
Added PPU-0.5 Trailer
Added the name of the wheels
Added new front tires for MTZ-80/82
Added tire Ya-319, F-64, F-74 Change, improvement, correction:
Corrected the weight distribution of tractors
Fixed Simple IC on MTZ-UK
Fixed other little things
Revived all the toggle switch tidy,
Changed the light to a more realistic, yellow
Cut off and revived traction clutch, gas
Fixed the grille of the new hood
Added hydraulic hoses on the front hitch
Minor fixes and improvements
Added wiring to the front lighting
Added an old hood under the turbine
Minor fixes and improvements