Production Building Pack v1.1.0.1

Production Building Pack v1.1.0.1
The Production Building Pack Guide (PDF)The content of the production building pack is aimed at the German-speaking players of Farming Simulator 22.
It is to be regarded as an ideal addition to maps located in German-speaking countries.
Included are the well-known Giants production buildings from the game, in revised versions as German versions.
With a lot of attention to detail and a number of additional elements, it is a new gaming experience.
Long-term support for the pack is planned, with many more updates coming in the coming months.
More production buildings will be added, both familiar ones from the base game and completely new ones.
General improvements and changes:
A new modDesc was made
All i3d and xml files have been revised and corrected many times (optimization)
Some corrections in the file structure and the file paths of the MOD were made (optimization)
Removed some superfluous and duplicate textures
A new Farmer Store branding has been added
The MOD icon has been exchanged or renewed FBM-MOD
– The production building pack is converted into an FBM MOD with update, but this only affects the new MOD icon and the label, which changes from user MOD to FBM MOD in the filebase.
The old MOD title (name) remains, which means that another function of the already placed items in the savegame remains.A snap function has been added to all objects and items when building in rotationThe PDF manual for the PGP has been added to the MOD (can be found under: documents)The farmer icons have been revised, supplemented and updated
The GroundDecal (flickering) was fixed on the manual barrier (long).
Added missing store image to the new barriers
A problem with the silo that flickered when building double or multiple silos has been fixed
A texture for the gumball machines (diffuse) has been renewed or exchanged (German labeling)A texture set for cobblestones (cobblestone diffuse, normal and specular) has been renewed or exchanged
– This applies to: Augustushof (garbage can place), Weidmann bakery, Holzmann carpentry shop and Kaiser’s mill
The maintenance costs for the company signs (electricity for light) were reduced to €2 per day for everyone
A new branding (marking UNE-EN 13698-1) has been added to all product ranges
Improvements and changes to buildings:
“Augustushof” the following corrections have been made:
– The old wine barrel can now be shown and hidden using the interactive switch
– The orientation of the signs under the wall lantern (house number) has been changed”Bäkerei Weidmann” the following corrections were made:
– The missing shadow was activated on the bollard
– Two BEGU sewage gullies have been added to the interactive terrain
– A BEGU sewer cover has been added to the interactive terrain
Rossmaier Ölmühle” the following corrections have been made:
– The missing shadow was activated on the bollard
– A sell point for sunflower seeds, rapeseed and olives has been added to the discharge station (goods receipt).
“West Zucker AG” the following corrections were made:
– The missing shadow cast was activated on the bollards
– A sell point for sugar beet, sugar beet pulp and sugar cane has been added behind the building (goods receipt).
– A vehicle scale has been added to the large production dump”Schreinerei Holzmann” the following corrections were made:
– New brandings (marking UNE-EN 13698-1) have been added to all pallets on the premises
– The flower barrel next to the main entrance has been exchanged for a newer version
– Two water connections for the fire brigade (underground hydrant) have been added
– Two BEGU sewage gullies have been added
– Added some more ornamental and weed grasses
– Some ivy vines have been added”Old dairy” the following corrections have been made:
– Fixed an error in the display of some objects in Seasons mode
– New brandings (marking UNE-EN 13698-1) have been added to all pallets on the premises
– Two water connections for the fire brigade (underground hydrant) have been added
– Two BEGU sewage gullies have been added
– Two BEGU sewer covers have been added
– Added a milk and sugar sell point behind the building
– A custom noise (sound file) has been added to the air conditioners
– Some more ornamental and weed grasses have been added
– Added some hazelnut bushes”Deniz Import & Export” the following corrections were made:
– The purchase price of the sales station was reduced to 0 € because it is not a production building
– New brandings (marking UNE-EN 13698-1) have been added to all pallets on the premises
– A texture set for cobblestones (cobblestone diffuse, normal and specular) has been renewed or exchanged
– The discharge area was converted into three individual trigger areas (two discharge points) in accordance with the optics
– Increased unload locations for better gameplay in conjunction with autoload
– The goods issue area is a preparation for an upcoming update with a new additional function
– Ground patches have been realigned
– Two water connections for the fire brigade (underground hydrant) have been added to the interactive terrain
– Six BEGU sewage gullies have been added to the Interactive Terrain
– Two BEGU sewer covers have been added to the Interactive Terrain”Big cowshed with feeding robot” the following corrections have been made:
– New brandings (UNE-EN 13698-1 marking) have been added to all pallets
– The mineral feed sacks (decoration pallets) have been changed from Schaumann to Landbauer
Newly added buildings and items:
Added new placeable beacon
– Purchase price: 0 €
– Maintenance costs per day: 2 €
– Can be found in the game under: Build / Decoration / MiscellaneousAdded new placeable BioBude sign
– Purchase price: 0 €- Maintenance costs per day: 15 €
– Can be found in the game under: Build / Decoration / Miscellaneous
Added new building BioBude
– Purchase price: 24,995 € (Although it is a sales station, this booth, which is then in your private possession, costs money when you buy it)
– Maintenance costs per day: 2 €
– Monthly additional income: €2,184
– Found in-game under: Buildings / Production / Selling Stations
– The “Bio Bude” is open daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m
– The staff at the service counter of the “Bio Bude” changes three times a day