Production Info Hud v0.4.0.0

Production Info Hud v0.4.0.0
Updated translations
Display when everything is taken care of so that you know that the display is active
Better alignment under F1 and VI
Moves the InfoMessageHud, if available, to the center of the screen so that it does not overlay the VI
Animal stalls supply of feed is now displayed
Full animal stalls are displayed so that animals can be sold (can be switched off in the settings dialog)
Full inputs when production is switched off is no longer displayed as full output
The number of displayed lines can now be set
Display of the number of lines that are not displayed
Publication on other sides only by myself, linking only with original download link. NO alternative link!
Changing or re-uploading, whether in whole or in part, is not allowed!
The first version of the productions Info Hud, known from the LS 19.
Since the LS19 version was built on Global Company dialogues and methods, this version must be complete rebuilded.
The first version has the following, non-customizable properties:
Display of the active productions with their remaining time
A production is only displayed if:
It has less than 2 month remaining
It has less than 50% fill level
The display is sorted according to the remaining time, whichever runs empty or is empty first is shown at the top
Full productions are sortet in top of allowed
Only the first 5 of the sortet list are shown