Real Time Sync V1.0.0.0

Real Time Sync V1.0.0.0
Real Time Sync mod allows you to synchronize playback time with real time and set an offset. Timing is always based on UTC time, so take that into account when adjusting the offset.
Example: Current time: 1:00 p.m. (UTC+1 time zone), which corresponds to 12:00 p.m. UTCOffset: -2
The target time in the game is then 10:00 a.m.
The game speed will automatically adjust (faster or slower) to synchronize time. Once the sync is complete, the time scale will be reset to 1.
Control: “rtsEnable”: Enables time synchronization. “rtsDisable”: disables time synchronization “rtsOffset <numHoursOffset>”: sets the offset in hours. Enter the number of hours as a whole number, e.g. For example, rtsOffset -5.