Riverbend Springs Edit V1.0.0.0

Riverbend Springs Edit V1.0.0.0
This was a fast edit of Riverbend springs and was released awhile ago, just not on here.
I’ve added Haylage, Peasilage, Earlage, Oatlage, Ryelage, Wheatage. Most get unloaded into a bunker silo that is included. To get Earlage use the headers that are in Forage Headers. You direct cut Grass, Peas, Oats, or Wheat to get Haylage, Peasilage, Oatlage, and Wheatage. You can also get Haylage and Peasilage by using the MacDon on Grass or Peas to get each, then bale and wrap it up! Cornfodder and beanfodder are also on this map, Harvest corn or beans to get it, then bale and wrap. Preferably with a roundbaler. Winterrye and Ryelage have also been added, mow or direct cut Winterrye to get Ryelage. Then Ryelage can be dumped into the same Bunker Silo as Haylage or you can bale and wrap it.