Roadrunner+ v1.0.1.0

Roadrunner+ v1.0.1.0
If you want a truck that drives great, sounds great, looks great, and leads the way in attention to detail animations and features, then you can’t go past the Roadrunner+. It’s a pleasure to drive!
– Fixed cabin lighting, cab lights
– Running lights now cast shadows, when using shadow lights (stops lights entering cabin)
– Fixed camera over-zooming at high speed (prevents seat going through camera, when set back far, with wide FoV, at high speed)
– Adjusted transmission for better performance (starts in higher gear)
– 5th wheel plate rotates on attach
– Adjusted vehicle sounds
– Powerful engine (581 kW / 790 hp, 699 kW / 950 hp, and hybrid motor assisted 950 hp diesel, delivering on unreal 1,324 kW / 1800 hp!)
– Each engine comes with Manual or Powershift gearbox options (P in model name denotes Powershift version)
– 18 Speed transmission (9 manual, plus High/Low)
– Multiple fender options, with multiple colour choices
– Top speed of 160 kph (99 mph)
– Jake Brake / Compression Braking / Engine Braking, with sound toggle (doesn’t affect braking power, but you can pretend)
– Four-wheel steering as standard (can be toggled to front-only, if desired), for improved stability and tighter turning circle
– Powerful headlights with high-beam spot lights
– Powerful rear working lights
– Headlights have adaptive technology, and turn as you steer, for better visibility. Can be disabled in the shop, if desired.
– All lights now cast a shadow by default, but can be turned off in the shop if you experience performance problems
– Beacon lights. Big, small, or none at all.
– Working gauges and dash lights
– Working connection hoses
– Gear shifter and clutch animations
– Power windows
– Adjustable position of 5th wheel
– Adjustable in-cabin camera position
– Two additional external camera positions, to easily view rear attachers, and trailer hitch
– Custom Hand-to-Hand steering animation
– Lots of colours!
– Optional rear trailer connectors; pin-hitch and ball, with PTO output
– Optional front three-point linkage, with PTO
– Optional bull bar
– A few exhaust pipe options, including flappers
– Unreal exhaust effects: Change the colour of exhaust smoke from a rainbow of colours, including a whole rainbow, and popular national colours
Price $142,000
Wheel Brands: Continental (CrossTrac/Offroad/Hybrid), BKT (Ridemax/Multimax), Trelleborg, Michelin, Nokian, and Lizard
Wheel Note 1: Some tyres labelled 1 to 6 have different rims only. There are 3 front sets (1-2,3-4,5-6), and 2 rear sets (odd or even numbers).
Wheel Note 2: Nokian, and Trelleborg wheels labelled as “Narrow twin wheels” are “care wheels” and won’t damage crops
Engine config notes: HHH is Hybrid Heavy Hauler. This is the same as the H config, but with much higher engine braking