Selling DriveIn v1.0.0.0

Selling DriveIn v1.0.0.0
DriveIn Selling Station: Sell everything that works! Wood, bales, bulk goods and liquids at usual market prices, without errors and warnings in all maps
DriveIn – Selling Station for all MAPs including the NF Marsch
Selling most/all fruits in categories on the MAP regardless of which MAP
Sale of liquids including sunflower oil, crude oil, etc. provided the vehicles can charge it
Sales of bales, rounds, cuboids, also large cotton and lavender bales and much more.
Sale of wood or logs (please make sure that the logs must first be unloaded and then sold with “R”!)
No individual fillTypes! Only products that are categorized on the respective MAP!
This is a drive-thru!! An outside unloading point for bulk goods is not planned!