Skandinavian Weather V1.0.0.0

Skandinavian Weather V1.0.0.0
I edited environment.xml file to simulate the weather in Finland (or Skandinavia).
Following things have been done:
chance for sunny/cloudy/rainy weather
now there is a small chance of snowing in the spring and autumn
wind speed and direction
duration of the rain etc.
drop scales (minor changes)
This is not a normal mod, you have to overwrite an existing .xml file in the map folder or in the mods .zip file
Always make a backup of the file you’ll replace with this.
Go to the map-folder you want to change; for example: D:Farming Simulator 2022datamapsmapUS
rename the environment.xml to default_environment.xml (or make a backup elsewhere)
copy and paste my environment.xml file to the same map folder
if you want to change the weather in a custom map, go to your mods folder for example: C:UsersJohn DoeDocumentsMy GamesFarmingSimulator2022mods and open the mod file (like
open the map folder and add my environment.xml file
Scandinavia includes Denmark as the most southern area. The weather in Finland is much harsher than in Denmark.
We’re just wet…