Spruce Mountain Farm’s v1.0.0.1

Spruce Mountain Farm’s v1.0.0.1
Welcome to Spruce Mountain Farm’s, a fictional USA map.
Fixes and Additions
New Savegame Required
Floating items around the map
Fixed rock collisions around the map (no more sinking into them)
Made it so farm buildings and décor will delete (deleting décor on a farm, deletes all of that specific farms décor at once.)
Redesigned the third auxilary farm near the base of Spruce Mountain
Added chickens to starter farm
Few changes to starter farm equipment/buildings
Added grass missions to a few fields (Small & Large)
Added more paint textures
Adjusted farmland prices & expanded farmlands out (no longer own the road)
Starter farm no longer owns grain west silos
Adjusted the price it cost to buy the BGA
Added a third water trigger near store pond
Added supermarket & made it so Central Exports now will buy all products that couldn’t be sold before
Moved lime station over by central exports
Moved fast food restaurant across the street for better access
Fixed stone sales having two triggers
Added more detail around the map
Fixed the tree collisions with spruces going inside each other when stacking
Over 3000 trees deleted, and many other trees have been cleaned up down in the town/field areas
Fixed map description
Updated PDA
A lot of these issues were pointed out through map tours/reviews/playthroughs throughout the community. Just want to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to play on Spruce Mountain Farms and contributed to helping make this map a better one.
To the north you will find large mountains filled with logging areas and many trails for exploring(some require a 4×4 ONLY to access). Located more central is your starter farm. There you will find large-XL fields. Most of the land around your farm is cheap to help in expanding. While this map is mainly setup for large-scale farming and forestry, to the south you will find a small farm setup with about 21 fields more your size. The map also has stone mining & woodchip removal built in. While this map won’t be for everyone, I hope you enjoy Spruce Mountain Farm’s!
47 Fields Total
Over 15 forest areas
Productions (basegame)
Stone mining (suggest using a Stone-Lime Production mod)
Light Traffic & Pedestrians
Built in silo storage’s (GrainWestSilo & GrainPoolEast)-NoTrain-
Collectibles added
Snow mask added
Precision farming ready (Loads Default US soil map)