Talbach 2K23 Beta1 Map v2.0.0.0

Talbach 2K23 Beta1 Map v2.0.0.0
Update BETA1:
modDesc version increased to current patch
Fixed fruit destruction
Added translations XMLs
FarmLands completely redesigned
All roads have snow masks
FillTypes have been revised
Entire map, equipped as best as possible with manure system including the custom productions from GTX|Andy (thanks to JoPi for that)
Added alfalfa
Added animated NPCs (releases are available)
Some XMLs from Landersum added, as well as various adjustments (approval is available)
Small animals from Hof Bergmann installed (approval is available, Enhanced Animal System is not required)
PDA map adapted accordingly
CustomPDA for “RealGPS” included in the pack
AD courses included in the pack
Added new soil texture for manure (Texture by [HTM]hhoottee_TV)
Added clover (textures by [HTM]hhoottee_TV)
Added Traffic Lights by Achimobil
Flowering cover crop by EswirdSchlimmer (approval is available)(PrecisionFarming ready)
LS19 Halle by Steffen30MUC (Completely built on the new texture system)
Many decorations are based on the seasons or are time-controlled by Landbauer
Custom Marker Icons by Landbauer, RepiGaming
Landscape completely redesigned
All productions renewed (Not compatible with RevAmp, otherwise the adapted productions on the map would no longer work and this could lead to problems)
Not MaizePlus compatible
Talbacher vehicle pack:
– Nissan Navara 2017 Pickup. Known from Hof Bergmann also represented at Talbach (prepared for VertexIC, RealGPS & Drive Distance)
– Pallet fork (front loader)
– grass trimmer. Giants decorative model as a grass trimmer for your small meadows
– Joskin AquaTrans. Rebuilt and on manure system. FillTypes inserted according to the map
– Böckmann MH-AL 4320/35 trailer. Prepared for VertexIC
– Fliegl Noah TTW 140 animal transporter. Prepared for VertexIC. Functions from Farmer_Andy’s animal transporter incorporated. Can be strewn with straw and mucked out again after animals have been transported
– Lizard MKS8 universal trailer. Rebuilt and converted to manure system. FillTypes inserted according to the map
GöweilPackFilltypesExtension (optional mod):
– LT Master & Vario Master accept wet alfalfa hay and wet clover hay to wrap into silage bales
– Both round balers can press and wrap wet alfalfa hay and wet clover hay directly from the field
PrecisionFarming (optional mod):
– Compatibility with compost. Same effect as spreading manure (manure)
– Added seed strength for alfalfa and clover. Seeding rate corresponds to the values of grass (grass)
– Added Alfalfa & Clover support to Crop Sensor
Orange plantation:
– This only requires water which is filled into the water tank (manureSystem ready)
– There are also IBC tanks scattered around that collect rainwater. Can be removed with a bucket to fill the water tank
– The trees are not watered or harvested individually
– To remove he oranges you need the appropriate fillable boxes. Buy via shop
Fish farming:
– Completely new farmhouse that you can enter including bedroom and wardrobe triggers
– 6 plots for breeding fish. The fish are fed with fish food. A wheelbarrow or bucket is recommended to feed the fish
– 3 BigBag poles distributed throughout the facility + 1 storage hall
– The fish appear in boxes on the corresponding markers. Selling fish at the restaurant, supermarket, MountenInn & village shop
Fish feed production:
– The plant produces fish feed for fish farming. Acceptance of: wheat, rapeseed, soybeans
– It is recommended to use a telehandler to remove the fish food for the BigBag filling station
– To the left of the hall is the BigBag filling station, which can be filled with a telehandler
– To the right of the hall there is a silo for organic waste, which the production also produces. There it is fermented into compost for your fields
Feed production:
– 2 productions in one buildin. Here you can produce pig feed and mineral feed for cows. You can find the corresponding goods in the production menu. There is also a terminal display attached showing how many goods are in production
– Appropriate collection points are located in the hall. Which production is for what was marked with icons
Fire station:
– Hall next to the building fully accessible
– Suitable for the EM Pack by CreativMesh
– Trigger for wardrobe available in the hall
Vehicle dealer:
– Entire place was redesigned and redesigned
– There are 2 workshop triggers in the hall. The left one with the access ramp for tractors and the right one for attachments, threshers
– Open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. All gates close after 8 p.m
Animal dealer:
– New hall with opening times. Open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. No purchase/sale of animals or bales possible after 6 p.m
– Manure and manure purchase possible. Manure can be removed with manureSystem
– Animals can be bought/sold in the hall
– Bale sales possible in the hall
– Manure purchase is possible from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. No purchase of manure possible after 6 p.m
– In front of the building on the right side door you can sell the hand-carried products
– Pallets are sold at the rear left of the building
– Sales possible from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. No sales possible after 2 p.m
– Seating area revised. Decoration reacts to the season or time
– Sales possible from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. No sales possible after 2 p.m
– In front of the entrance there is a purchase trigger for cat food, cat milk and garden fertilizer. After purchase, the products appear in front of the building in the loading zone
– Certain products can be sold behind the building
– Supermarket is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. No purchase of cat food, cat milk or garden fertilizer possible after 8 p.m
– Sales acceptance possible from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. No sales possible after 11 a.m. Accordingly, the right barrier opens at 3 a.m
Hardware store:
– Building completely accessible
– In the building at checkout 1 next to the nice lady, there is a purchase trigger for garden fertilizer & FixFerm. After purchase, this appears behind the building in the loading zone area
– Behind the building is the purchase of liquid fertilizes and herbicides. This can be removed using the manure system. Connections are located on the left side of the shelter (left connection -> liquid fertilizer, right connection -> herbicides, marker icons available)
– Sales of products in the drive-through hall behind the building
– Hardware store is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. No purchase or sale of garden fertilizer & FixFerm is possible after 6 p.m
– Purchase of liquid fertilizer & herbicides from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. No purchases possible after 8 p.m
Garden center:
– Building completely accessible
– There is a purchase trigger for garden fertilizer &FixFerm in the building. After purchase, the products appear in the loading zone area outside the building. You can also purchase liquid manure and manure here. Manure can be removed with manureSystem
– Garden center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. No purchase of garden fertilizer & FixFerm possible after 6 p.m
– Manure purchase is possible from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. No purchase of manure possible after 6 p.m
– Building completely renovated
– Sales of various products
– Purchase of lime, seeds, fertilizer, pig feed at the silo
– Purchase of BigBags at the building. Purchased BigBags appear in the loading zone area
– Purchases take place from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Big bags cannot be purchased after 8 p.m
– Sale of various bales possible
– 2 shelters available
– Acceptance of grain flour (This is processed into bread. You can sell the bread at restaurants, supermarkets, MountenInn & village shops)
– Acceptnce of grain flour from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Grain flour cannot be accepted after 6 p.m
Old dairy:
– Acceptance of milk (this becomes UHT milk and must be packaged by the packer)
– Acceptance of milk (you can use it to make butter. Produced butter appears in the small hall next to the dairy)
– Acceptance of milk & goat’s milk (You can use this to make cheese & goat’s cheese. Produced cheese appears in the hall next to the dairy)
– All three systems have their own terminal with display
– The dairy is open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. After 7 p.m. all gates are closed and nothing can be delivered
Cold storage warehouse:
– In the large complex, the gates can be opened at the control box (left or right of the gate). There is access to the cold room. On 2 control cabinets
– do you have an overview of your cold storage (how much of the products can be stored)
Business park:
– Juice factory. Unpackaged orange juice is produced at the hall. There are 3 processes that go through here. It is recommended to distribute attachments 1 & 2
– deliver. Plant 1 also produces a by-product (organic waste). This can be dumped in the adjacent silo. This can, after fermenting into compost,
– distributed on your fields as fertilizer. The unpackaged orange juice can be picked up at the hall on the right.
– Packaging system (packaging of UHT milk -> packaged UHT milk, orange juice -> packaged orange juice. With sugar beet & orange juice, you can get it here
– Orange jam. Liquid is dispensed here using the manure system. The pallets can be stored in the hall, next to the packaging system.)
– Sales of packaged goods at restaurants, supermarkets, MountenInn & village shops
Agricultural service:
– Added halls from LS19 and some new textures
– Added workshop trigger
– Multisilo for storing seeds, lime and artificial fertilizer
– Farm tank for diesel (can be filled/collected with manure system)
– Storage tank for herbicides & liquid fertilizers (Can be filled/collected with manureSystem)
Main courtyard:
– Rebuilt with new buildings and expanded
– Free-range chickens, cats, rabbits, 1 small garden at the new farmhouse
– 1 allotment garden, orange trees & apple tree, collection of rainwater from IBC possible to water the trees & garden (all gardens, trees & IBC collect the rainwater)
– FixFermenter for producing silage (acceptance of: chopped material, grass (wet), clover hay (wet), alfalfa hay (wet) & FixFerm available via shop
– Hay drying system + storage (acceptance of: grass (wet), clover hay (wet) & alfalfa hay (wet). Even hay can be stored here)
– Grain dryer (With the addition of “methane” from the farm BGA, the grain can be dried here)
– Kleine Hof BGA (you can see information about which products the BGA absorbs and in what factor on the information display in the technical room. The “methane” is produced at the
– Grain drying system used. Before you put the BGA into operation, set the “methane” in the menu to distribute so that the gained amount is given every hour
– “Methane” can be fed to the grain drying system. In addition to the “methane”, the BGA also produces digestate for your fields)
– Farm filling station can be filled with manure system
– Added some ball bearings from LSFM
– Cowshed by DeeBuur completely redesigned with a new texture, calf igloo in the cowshed, 1 bale storage in the cowshed (manure, water and milk can be taken to the cowshed
— manure system to be filled/collected)
– Completely new farmhouse that you can enter including bedroom and wardrobe triggers
– The water can be filled into a barrel at the water fountain using the manure system
– Liquid fertilizer & herbicide storage can be filled/collected with manureSystem
– Seed silo for storing seeds
– Lagoon for storing manure. Can be filled/emptied with manureSystem
Sheep pasture:
– New hall, collection of goat’s milk, compost silo (goat’s milk & water can be filled/collected with manureSystem)
Pig farm:
– New hall, bale storage added by LSFM (manure & water can be filled/collected with manureSystem)
Horse farm:
– Horse paddock renewed, horse stable added, LSFM bale storage added
– New hall, goat milk collection, LSFM bale storage added. Goat milk & water can be filled/collected with manureSystem
– At the water fountain, the water can be filled into a barrel using the manure system