Trail King Double Schnable Trailer and Wind Tower Sections v1.0.0.0

Trail King Double Schnable Trailer and Wind Tower Sections v1.0.0.0
Used to haul wind tower sections, the Trail King Double Schnable trailer consists of a TK100JLW Jeep rated for 100,000 lbs, a Jeep Schnable Gooseneck rated for 85,000 lbs, a TK120LPSD-HS Steering Dolly rated at 120,000 lbs, and a Dolly Schnable Gooseneck rated for 85,000 lbs.
Mod Features:
Color selection for the Frame, Inner Frame, and Fenders
Jeep has adjustable fifth wheel (AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM2)
Jeep Landing gear raised with Interactive Control (
Schnable necks adjustable for height and tilt (AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL2 and AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM2)
Chains and binders adjustable for angle and length (AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL4 and AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL3)
Ladders moved with Interactive Control
Flags added to dolly with Interactive Control
Dolly transport/work mode with Interactive Control on the control lever
Buildable Wind Tower included
Ground Base (multiple heights)
Ground base has elevator to go to different heights inside tower
Base Section
Middle Section
Top Section
Observation Deck
Nacelle, rotor, and blades will be made/released later
To attach and detach tower sections watch this tutorial: