Between The Mounts v1.0.0.0

Between The Mounts v1.0.0.0

Between The Mounts, Portuguese map with relief and design based on the North of Portugal more precisely in the region of Trás-Os-Montes and Alto Douro.
Province of Portugal that borders Minho and Douro. It is a sparsely populated region with a lot of emigration.
Many residents decide to go to the big cities of Portugal or to work in other European countries.

Nowadays, with some land a little abandoned, most of those who stay in these lands find it difficult to prosper, having to be ambitious and hardly have time for anything other than the hard work of the land.

This region depicted on the map contains 28 fields, some with very pronounced relief, 8 plots of vineyards, 3 plots of olive trees and 4 of coffee

2 of these fields and a small forest area are already part of your initial farm, where you will also have, the house, lime processor, medium fuel tank, liquid silo, grain silo, seed and lime fertilizer silo, haystack, beehives , 3 greenhouses and animals, Cows, chickens, sheep and horses in open space

Includes game products with coffee as an additional product
11 Points of Sale placed for the maximum use of the map
14 Factories
Thanks to LostGamer and DH Modding for letting us use the coffee
We hope you like and enjoy the map.


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