More console slots, less usage in FS22

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More console slots, less usage in FS22

Good news for everyone playing on consoles. Whether you play on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5, Xbox One or Xbox Series S/X: We increased the number of available slots. That means, you can have even more vehicles, tools and other items on your farm. A LOT more.

Wait, what are slots?

Every vehicle or tool, for example, uses a set amount of so-called slots. The limit of slots is defined by the console. Why just consoles, you ask? Well, as you know, every PC is different. The amount of items a PC can handle, is individual – but technically there is no limit if your PC is strong enough. On PC, slots are primarily handled via RAM.

It’s different for consoles, as you can’t upgrade them. Each respective console has a slot limit that defines, how many vehicles, tools, and other in-game items can be processed at a time.

More slots, less usage

With Farming Simulator 22 we tried to make everything more efficient when it comes to slots. Even on the older consoles from last generation.

First of all, there are more slots available in Farming Simulator 22 (compared to Farming Simulator 19), even on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Secondly, we didn’t just raise the amount of available slots. We reduced the slot usage of various items, too – that raises the amount of items your consoles can handle, even more. Like before, if you buy the same machine or tool more than once, every additional one will only require one slot.

Up to 300% more slots!

As you can see above, Farming Simulator 19 on “old gen” consoles had 1299 slots available. Farming Simulator 22 on the same consoles got a boost of more than 100%, resulting in 2749 slots on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

For current gen consoles, meaning PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series consoles, we boosted it up to 300% – meaning 5155 slots that are available on those platforms. But that’s not all!

Slot usage up to 70% more efficient!

The more efficient slot usage allows for even more available items on your farm. Let’s take a look at the CLAAS Axion 900 TT, for example. We reduced its slot usage by 70%. Instead of 40 slots in Farming Simulator 19, it uses only 12 in Farming Simulator 22.

We reduced the required slots for various vehicles and tools. The Fendt Vario, for example, uses around 40% less slots in Farming Simulator 22. Not all of them might benefit from a significant reduction of slot requirements, though – it depends on the machine.

Farming Simulator 22

What is FS25 mod use for:

Have you ever tried using Farming Simulator 25 mods? If not, it’s high time you do. This is the perfect place to find everything that you need to know! Farming Simulator 25 Mods will have a huge impact on your initial game. We are not saying that the original game is not good enough, but there is always room for improvement and extra challenge. We believe that you might want some more tools, more extensive choice of vehicles and other elements in your game. Also, the game itself provides you with different mods in order to solve disturbing bugs. Overall, FS25 / FS22 mods help to lift the experience of the game, which makes it more interesting. LS 25 / 22 mods will enable you to create your own specific and unique experience and since there are many different FS25 / FS22 mods, you can slowly introduce them into your game and make it completely your own. On the plus side, the LS 25 / 22 mods are all completely free, so don’t be afraid to try them out because you will not be charged any hidden fees. So, now you should definitely be convinced to download Farming Simulator 25 / 22 mods and begin customize your game!

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1 Response

  1. Dusty Perkins says:

    im new to the fs community is there a way to get some of the mods im seeing like the auto load trailer, more slots ect. can they be put on an xbox one ore is that not an option?

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